The project ‘Flat World’ deals with the concept of a new, future city which could be formed after currently existing rules and order break down and new rules and order are established. Technological advances could dissolve the core centers of cities we see today and make physical and psychological distances between those cities meaningless. The borders will be blurred and a completely new concept of society, city or nation could be established. In the near future, every element of human civilization could go back to a flat state and this new flat world will be comprised of substructure and superstructure. These two concepts could mean huge social structures like cities or nations but also constitute cities or nations. Substructure is a visible, physical structure like urban infrastructure and environment and superstructure is an invisible, value-centered structure which includes psychological activities. In this project, we imagine a new, future world of human civilization and new rules and order that will govern this flat new world.


In the project ‘Multi-Humanity’, we explore the concept of ‘humanity’ and ‘human form’ which will be inevitably diversified in the future of more advanced technologies. The social agents such as humans, robots and AI in the near future will exist in a way we have never seen before and develop relationships with each other. The relations between humans and machine will give rise to new possibilities. Diversified human forms will expand the concept of humanness and the societies will have different types of human characters. We will also have to set new order and rules for human-machinery relations. This concept of ‘Multi-Humanity’ allow us to re-think about and explore ‘self-expansion’ which symbolizes diversification of human roles brought upon by AI and, new conditions we will face in the future, in other words, the more complex environment where we connect various human forms created from diversified concept of humanity.


In the project ‘Fluid Mobility’, we explore the concept of mobility which will expand and evolve with time, focusing on its meaning in the near future that lies somewhere between present and future. The concept of mobility we are talking about encompasses fluid mobility of technologies and culture as well as physical means of mobility of human civilization. We also see this expanded concept of mobility as having a physical layer and non-physical layer. The former includes visible and instrumental means for actual mobility and the latter refers to the invisible and virtual sense of mobility. We also explore the developmental potential of technologies related to ‘relocation’, in other words, the means of physical mobility of humans and ‘transference’ which refer to the mobility that brings changes to philosophical, cultural, technological and humanities values. We will expand our understanding of mobility which has always been deeply embedded in our everyday lives and also discover possibilities of fluid mobility of the future.

ZER01NE DAY 2019

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